Annette Pfannebecker: Help keep HIP benefits stable

Published: 11-29-2024 10:31 AM

Gov. Maura Healey and the Legislature need to hear from us to advocate to restore funding for the the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP).

HIP is a state-funded program that provides SNAP recipients (also known as food stamps) extra funds monthly for fresh, locally grown produce. The benefits, which currently range from $40 to $80 per month depending on family size, will be cut to a flat $20 for all recipients. Although money was allocated in the budget, it was drastically reduced.

Not only does this affect food security for many residents in need, it also has a side effect on our farm economy. Many organizations, our local representative and senator and individuals are advocating for reinstatement of enough funds to keep HIP stable. Join me in reaching out to Gov. Healey and let her know this moral dilemma is not a question but a priority for us. Contact the governor’s office at 617-725-4005 or email the governor’s office through and Senate President Karen Spilka at 617-722-1500 or, and House Ppeaker Ron Mariano at 617-722-2500 or

Annette Pfannebecker

South Deerfield

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