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Royalston receives Green Communities Grant for weatherization projects
02-02-2024 5:00 PM


ROYALSTON — The town has received a Green Communities Grant of nearly $169,000 to pay for weatherization projects at five town-owned buildings.The awarding of the competitive grant was announced in a letter to Selectboard Chair Deb D’Amico sent by...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Athol Public Library hosts forum on heat pumps
11-27-2023 5:00 PM

By Greg Vine

ATHOL – A year ago, the Selectboard endorsed a proposal to establish a Municipal Decarbonization Task Force to develop a strategy to substantially reduce community-wide fossil fuel emissions over the next several decades.While the primary goal is to...

Athol reviews replacement of vehicles with electric models
09-01-2023 2:58 PM


ATHOL – A proposed replacement of the town’s vehicles with electric models is estimated to generate a quarter of a million dollars over three decades.Athol’s Decarbonization Task Force was given an assessment of converting the town’s internal...

Suhoski: Athol a leader in green communities effort
01-16-2023 2:40 PM


ATHOL — The town of Athol, according to Town Manager Shaun Suhoski, was an early convert in the campaign for municipalities to operate in a way that causes less harm to the environment, both locally and regionally.Recently, the town has begun...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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