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Sportsman’s Corner: Youth hunts in Massachusetts
09-26-2024 5:00 PM

By Mike RocheTomorrow, Sept. 28, young hunters with a Youth Deer Permit will be able to hunt deer for one day in an exclusive deer hunt. Hunters aged 12 to 17 who possess the required free permit must be accompanied by a licensed adult. Youth hunters...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Bird feeders root cause of bear shooting in Athol, says MassWildlife
06-11-2024 1:56 PM


ATHOL – The public is encouraged to take down bird feeders, as the public feeding of wildlife is the likely cause of last Thursday’s bear shooting in Athol, according to MassWildlife.Four bear cubs were orphaned as a result of the shooting, which took...

Sportsman’s Corner: Mahar Fish’N Game Club Trap Shoot
05-23-2024 4:21 PM

By Mike RocheThis past week, the tradition of the Mahar Fish’N Game Club Trap Shoot continued with the help and support of the Orange Gun Club. Since the club was founded in 1957, members have held a trap shooting competition. While there were a few...

Sportsman’s Corner: A great morning at a great club
08-03-2023 2:35 PM

By Mike RocheThis writer and his wife spent this week in Maine on a long-awaited vacation. We house-swapped with Sue and Jim Richardson.Sue and I go back a long way. We were classmates in the legendary Mahar Regional Class of 1969 and neighbors for...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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